Hello Friends , Nowadays Everybody have the tendency to use internet with high speed connection. After the launching of Reliance Jio Sim Everybody is Crazy to get the Sim. It requires Bar Code to get the Free Reliance Jio Sim. But the problem is that the Jio barcode can be generated only in 4g smartphone. So , In this article I,m Gonna tell you the method to genertae jio barcode on bluestacks or rooted smartphone. There is no need of downloading 10-12 apps. So Lets follow the below steps to generate jio barcode on bluestacks or rooted phone. It has requirements to generate jio barcode on bluestacks or rooted phone which is given below :-

Requirements to Get JIO Barcode
- Rooted Android Phone or Rooted Bluestacks
- My JIO Modded App & CheatDroid App
- Snipping Tool
How to Generate JIO Barcode on Bluestacks Or Rooted Phone ?
- Open Bluestacks and install both CheatDroid Pro Apk & MyJio Modded App Apk.
- Now open MyJio Modded App and then open CheatDroid.
- Give CheatDroid Root Permission by clicking on Allow.
- In CheatDroid Apps List , Click On MyJio App.
- Then Click on DeviceInfo.xml
- Then Select The First Option.
- Here you need to edit 4 things which are I.M.E.I. number, Device ID, PhoneType and MAC address.
- Copy this IMEI number – 35987806049XXXX and replace XXXX with any 4 digit random number
- Add the same number for Device ID in between double quotes (" ")
- Now change number in MAC address with any different number. Even one number change will work.
- In place of GSM in Phone Type change it to LTE
- Then click on Save button.
- Now open MyJio Modded App and wait for banner to change in 2 seconds.
- You will see Get JIO SIM button in the banner. Click on that.
- Then you will see the offer screen and click on Agree & Get JIO Offer.
- Now choose your State and City and click on Next.
- Again click next and on the next page you will generate jio barcode
How to Generate JIO Barcode Multiple Times ?
- Apply same steps as before from Step 6 to Step 12.
- Do not open MyJio app this time.
- Go to Settings and click on Apps or Manage Apps.
- Click on MyJio App and then click on Force Stop.
- Now go back and Apply same steps as before from Step 13 to Step 17.
So guys , In this article I have shared the method to generate jio barcode from bluestacks or rooted phone. I hope you liked this article and worked for you. You can get the free reliance jio sim till 31 december. f you are facing any problem while generating jio barcode , ask freely in comments below.
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